Academic excellence is not mere to become expertise in bookish knowledge but it is preparation of life itself. Real Education includes academic excellence as well as pioneer in problem-solving and effective communication skill, social and spiritual excellence that leads to all round development of personality as a successful leader. It is like two wings of a bird means one wing as academic excellence and another wing is inner excellence. Balancing of life is ladder for success. Our outstanding faculty continues to build on this excellence through widely-recognized research and a thoughtful approach to teaching in our friendly, student centered environment. I am convinced; you will feel that TEMPL group of Institution is a right choice for your higher education. You will soon come to discover that it is an exceptional College filled with a warm and caring management, the faculty and staff member's enthusiasm and commitment to academic excellence is strength of college. The faculty members are well trained to use latest scientific methodology for effective communication and teaching i.e. Ideal body language, Voice modulation, Presence, Empathy and Impact. I look forward to celebrate with you at a Ceremony for successful after completion of your program of studies as a successful from Institute for Education & Technical-sciences as well as from LSR Law Academy. We are determined to make all Institutes under TEMPL GROUP of Institutions TOP ranking colleges in Delhi, NCR, Ghaziabad and finally in India.
Dr. Mahavir Singh