On the occasion of your seeking admission, I am pleased to welcome you to Institute for Education & Technical-sciences as well as at LSR Law Academy which carries name and legacy in professional education. A college that does not confer degrees alone, but also crafts thinkers and dreamers. We not only teach subject, we create inquisitiveness which remain the lifelong asset. Knowledge is the real power and this must be used judiciously to fulfill India's vision 2022. Vast avenues and immense opportunities with lush green campus, pollution free environment, State-of-the-art infrastructure, highly qualified, dedicated and caring faculty members and the invaluable wisdom and guidance of our management are the vital ingredients in the making of a career par excellence. We aim to give you a course which will build you technically, ethically and morally and make you a responsible citizen with compassionate human value. Autonomy and self-empowerment are the two keywords in the campus. Our focus is on nurturing your intellectual power and all round development of your personality. I wish you success in your chosen career and I look ahead with optimism to a future that will fulfill your dreams and those of your parents.
Dr. Neelam Pundir